"Missing You," the latest Netflix adaptation of a Harlan Coben novel, has garnered mixed reviews from critics. The series follows Detective Inspector Kat Donovan, portrayed by Rosalind Eleazar, as she delves into the mysterious disappearance of her fiancé, Josh, 11 years prior. The narrative intertwines personal loss with a complex investigation, characteristic of Coben's storytelling.
Lucy Mangan of The Guardian describes the series as "entertaining – if forgettable," noting that while it starts slowly with some "desperate dialogue," it becomes engaging as the plot progresses.
Keith Watson of The Telegraph highlights the series' adherence to Coben's signature style, mentioning that it "contains enough of a what-twist-comes next tease factor to keep you on your toes."
In contrast, Variety critic Aramide Tinubu offers a more favorable view, highlighting the series' "magnetic star power and conspicuous intrigue," which make it a "delightful and highly watchable experience."
"Missing You" marks the 10th collaboration between Harlan Coben and Netflix, part of a 14-book deal aimed at bringing his suspenseful narratives to the screen. The series combines elements of personal drama and crime investigation, staying true to Coben's signature style.
While the series offers the familiar thrills of a Coben mystery, some critics suggest it may not leave a lasting impression. However, for fans of crime dramas and intricate plotlines, "Missing You" provides a compelling watch.
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